ruta iberica enoturismo

Iberian Enotourism Route / Ruta Ibérica del Enoturismo

ENG / ESP Press Release. 
Santarém (Portugal).

The Iberian Peninsula, cradle of the Eno and Gastronomy Tourism between the Old and the New World.

The initiative arises from the Global Wine Tourism Organization GWTO as a facilitator of building international bridges in favour of positioning destinations and initiatives of high scope in the markets. Iberian Enotourism Route has the support of the Ibero-American Academy of Gastronomy AIBG for its projection in the New World, of the Spanish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce for the coordination between companies, and of the world enotourism booking platform EnoWineClub EWC for marketing the experiences.

“AIBG always had a special interest in highlighting the contribution of the Iberian Peninsula in everything related to wine as a fundamental food to complete the gastronomic offer of Ibero-America. There is nothing better than tourism among the rivers and landscapes of both countries to enjoy their gastronomic cultural essence,” said Rafael Ansón, Founding President of AIBG and Founding Honorary President of the International Academy of Gastronomy.

“The project is a clear example of the twinning between two countries through their Spanish (AEE) and the Portuguese (APENO) EnoTourism Associations. Two countries united to boost and emphasize the great richness of their cultural heritage, their history, their art and their wine and gastronomy tradition”, said José Antonio Vidal, Founder President CEO of the Spanish Enotourism Association (AEE) and Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO).

“Entrepreneurs and public sector actors are required to be supportive among ourselves and with the community, collaborating with actions that contribute both to the socio-economical development of the destinations and their residents as well as to the consumers satisfaction”, stated the president.

The tourism product will be designed by an international team of Spanish-Portuguese tour operators to be promoted and commercialized in global markets.

“The entire Spanish-Portuguese border (La Raya-A Raia), with its 17 provinces from the stuary of the Miño-Minho River down to that of the Guadiana River, features the tourism resources necessary for the creation of quality offerings around the ‘Longest EnoTourism Route between two countries within the European Union’ with more than 1.215 kms,” concluded Vidal.

Ruta Ibérica del Enoturismo

La Península Ibérica, cuna del turismo eno-gastronómico entre el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo

Nota de Prensa
Santarém (Portugal)

La iniciativa surge de la Organización Mundial del Enoturismo OMET como facilitadora de puentes internacionales a favor de posicionar en los mercados destinos e iniciativas de alto alcance.La Ruta Ibérica cuenta con los apoyos de la Academia Iberoamericana de Gastronomía AIBG para su proyección en el Nuevo Mundo, de la Cámara de Comercio Hispano-Lusa para la coordinación entre empresas, y de la plataforma de reservas del enoturismo mundial EnoWineClub EWC para la comercialización de las actividades.

“AIBG siempre ha tenido especial interés en destacar la aportación de la Península Ibérica en todo lo que se refiere al vino como alimento fundamental para completar la oferta gastronómica de Iberoamérica. Nada mejor que el turismo entre sus ríos y paisajes de ambos países para disfrutar de su esencia cultural gastronómica”, indica Rafael Ansón, Fundador Presidente de AIBG y Fundador Presidente de Honor de la Academia Internacional de Gastronomía.

“El proyecto binacional es un claro ejemplo del hermanamiento de los dos países a través de sus  Asociaciones Española (AEE) y Portuguesa (APENO) de Enoturismo. Dos países que comparten geografía y hospitalidad, y que ahora se unen para potenciar y destacar conjuntamente su gran riqueza patrimonial, Historia, Arte y eno-gastronomía”, señala José Antonio Vidal, Fundador Presidente CEO de la Asociación Española de Enoturismo (AEE) y de la Organización Mundial del EnoTurismo (OMET).

“Los empresarios y los actores del sector público estamos obligados a ser solidarios entre nosotros y con la comunidad, cooperando en acciones que aporten desarrollo socio-económico a los destinos y sus residentes, así como satisfacción a los consumidores”, afirma el presidente. 

El producto turístico será diseñado por un equipo internacional de turoperadores hispano-luso y comercializado en mercados globales.

“Toda la frontera hispano-lusa (La Raya-A Raia) con sus 17 provincias desde la desembocadura del río Miño-Minho hasta la del río Guadiana, cuenta con todos los recursos turísticos necesarios para la creación de oferta de calidad en torno a la ‘Ruta del Vino más Larga entre dos países de la Unión Europea’, con más de 1.215 kms”, constata Vidal.

[email protected]

cumbre mintur omet

Inspiring Together a Responsible EnoTourism: from theory to practice / Inspirando Juntos un EnoTurismo Responsable: de la teoría a la práctica

Press Release.

Punta del Este (Uruguay). The Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO) spearheaded the 1st GWTO Global Summit on Responsible EnoTourism from March 19 to 21 in Punta del Este, Uruguay. This groundbreaking event, supported by institutional partners including the Ministry of Tourism (Uruguay Natural), INAVI, the Intendancies of Maldonado, Montevideo, Colonia de Sacramento, and Canelones, as well as private entities such as Bodegas Garzón, Enjoy Hotel, and Grupo Elis OPC, underscores GWTO’s commitment to advancing the socio-economic development of wine destinations and elevating the global standing of EnoTourism brands.

At the opening session Arnaldo Nardone, GWTO MICE Director, and Pablo Singerman, GWTO Vice President LatAm, emphasized the significance of GWTO’s decision to host the most comprehensive international MICE event on EnoTourism to date, comprising B2B meetings, an academic congress, and an exhibition area.


The Minister of Tourism of Uruguay, the GWTO President of Honor and the GWTO Founder President CEO highlighted the unique opportunity presented by this event for positioning Uruguay on the global EnoTourism map.

Eduardo Sanguinetti emphasized “the importance of the Summit for advancing global EnoTourism and positioning Uruguay as a distinguished EnoTourism destination. We are delighted to host this event of immense international importance. Our thanks to the Global Wine Tourism Organization GWTO for entrusting us with its 1st Summit. EnoTourism is an engine for the socio-economic development of wine regions, a platform to promote local culture and a bridge that strengthens ties between producers, entrepreneurs and wine enthusiasts from all over the world”, said the Minister of Tourism.

Rafael Ansón indicated that “gastronomy has become one of the most important motivations for tourists when choosing a destination, a key factor in promoting quality tourism.  And, within this framework, EnoTourism is one of its great attractions: Visiting the wineries, seeing and walking among the vineyards, tasting the wines in harmony with the local gastronomy, is an enriching experience from a recreational, but also cultural and historical point of view”, said the GWTO President of Honor and of the International Academy of Gastronomy.

For his part, José Antonio Vidal emphasized the imperative of Responsible EnoTourism in ensuring sustainable growth and preserving wine destinations for future generations being able to continue enjoying and benefiting from these wine destinations, aspects that will be key to the choice of the 1st GWTO Awards for Responsible Destinations and Experiences. This involves making conscious choices before, during and after the trip, and requires a collective effort from travelers, local communities, governments and the tourism industry, supporting both responsible wineries and responsible tour operators”. GWTO President pointed out “the essential importance of being coo-petitive (competing through collaboration) and of winery entrepreneurs’ awareness that EnoTourism is neither oenology nor viticulture, but Tourism, a tertiary sector, a service sector and that, as such, it should be considered as an independent business unit managed by professionals in the tourism sector”.

Vidal concluded his words of welcome by offering an emotional tribute in memoriam to Professor Eduardo Fayos-Solà and the academic María Isabel Mijares García-Pelayo, both admired and much loved by the attendees and the sector in general.

cumbre omet fayos y mijares1

Remo Monzeglio, Deputy Secretary of Tourism of Uruguay, honored Piero Sattanino, the Best Sommelier in the World 1971, for his outstanding professional career and commitment to education through the Italian Association of Sommeliers.


Responsible Strategic Plans, Branding, Associationism, Monitoring, MICE, Communication, Design and Commercialization of activities, the importance of Tour Operators and Training were presented in practical formats (successful cases and ted-talks) by 80 authorities from 16 countries.

Directors of eight GWTO member EnoTourism Associations stressed their importance as interlocutors between the private and public sectors; Nardone made the winery sector aware of “the possibility of increasing profits by organizing events at their facilities”; Singerman affirmed “the difficulty of making the right decisions without the management tool that observatories represent”; Leonid Gelibterman (GWTO Vice President EurAsia) pointed out that “EnoTourism and gastronomy play a key role in cultural rootedness and public diplomacy. We call for responsibility for a future of environmental, political and socio-cultural well-being”; Milton Zuanazzi (GWTO Director Brazil) referred to EnoTourism as “a strategic and marketing vision parallel to the wine industry: while the industry is concerned with the content of the glass, we should be dedicated to what is outside the glass”; Marisa Ramos (GWTO Director Mexico) indicated that “the successful integration of EnoTourism into Mexico’s tourism offer at the international level will depend on an intelligent strategy”, and Gabriel Fidel (GWTO Academy LatAm Director) concluded “the Punta del Este Summit has highlighted the role of OMET, with its current and future partners, as articulators of strategies and tools necessary for a new EnoTourism”.


Attendees had the opportunity to explore exhibitors’ offerings and participate in up to five technical visit circuits.


Twenty international tour operators convened at Enjoy Hotel for business discussions.

cumbre awarded

At the closing ceremony, Certificates of Membership were awarded to new GWTO members, Diplomas to collaborating entities, and the GWTO Awards for Responsible Enotourism success stories: To the Municipality of Montevideo as a National Destination, to Mendoza (Argentina) as an International Destination, and to Viña Santa Rita (Chile) as an International Experience.
Honorable Mentions to Viña Eden (Uruguay) as Responsible National Experience and to EnoTurismo Extremadura (Spain) as Responsible International Destination.

cumbre yantai

GWTO Global Summits on Responsible EnoTourism will rotate venues, aligned with the GWTO’s MICE planning, offering a range of event formats for wine destinations.

Yantai Municipality (China) was announced as the next Summit 2025 host, with several international destinations vying for subsequent editions.

GWTO and its GWTO Academy form the Global Network of Entrepreneurship and Knowledge in EnoTourism, comprised of public entities, associations, establishments in wine destinations, and academic institutions.
Their goal is to promote socio-economic development in wine culture destinations through strategic plans, brand promotion, training programs, and certifications in sustainability and quality EnoTourism.

See you at the 2025 Summit in Yantai (China)!

[email protected]

Nota de Prensa
Punta del Este (Uruguay), 22 de marzo de 2024

Inspirando Juntos un EnoTurismo Responsable: de la teoría a la práctica

La Organización Mundial del EnoTurismo ha promovido la 1ª Cumbre Global OMET del EnoTurismo Responsable, del 19 al 21 de marzo en Punta del Este (Maldonado, Uruguay), con los apoyos institucionales del Ministerio de Turismo (Uruguay Natural), el INAVI, las Intendencias de Maldonado, Montevideo, Colonia de Sacramento y Canelones, y de la entidades privadas Bodegas Garzón, Hotel Enjoy y Grupo Elis OPC.

Teniendo OMET entre sus objetivos favorecer el desarrollo socio-económico de los destinos vinícolas y el posicionamiento de las marcas-destino enoturístico en los mercados globales, en el acto de apertura, el Director de OMET MICE, Arnaldo Nardone, y el Vicepresidente OMET LatAm, Pablo Singerman, señalaron la importancia para el sector de que la única asociación internacional especializada en EnoTurismo haya apostado por la celebración del evento internacional MICE más completo sobre EnoTurismo celebrado hasta la fecha: Reuniones B2B, Congreso académico y área Expositiva.


El Ministro de Turismo del Uruguay, el Presidente de Honor de OMET y el Fundador Presidente CEO de OMET, coincidieron en la oportunidad única que supone este magno evento para el posicionamiento de Uruguay en el mapa enoturístico mundial.

Eduardo Sanguinetti subrayó “la importancia de la Cumbre para el avance del EnoTurismo a nivel mundial y el posicionamiento de Uruguay como destino enoturístico distinguido. Estamos encantados de ser los anfitriones de este evento de inmensa importancia internacional. Nuestro agradecimiento a la Organización Mundial del EnoTurismo OMET por confiarnos su 1ª Cumbre. El EnoTurismo es un motor para el desarrollo socioeconómico de las regiones vitivinícolas, una plataforma para promover la cultura local y un puente que fortalece los lazos entre productores, empresarios y aficionados al vino de todo el mundo”, expresó el Ministro de Turismo.

Rafael Ansón indicó que  “la gastronomía ha pasado a ser una de las motivaciones más importantes para los turistas a la hora de elegir un destino, clave para impulsar el turismo de calidad.  Y, en ese marco, el EnoTurismo es uno de sus grandes atractivos: Visitar las bodegas, ver y caminar entre viñedos, degustar los vinos armonizados con la gastronomía local, es una vivencia enriquecedora desde el punto de vista recreativo, pero también cultural e histórico”, afirmó el Presidente de Honor de OMET y de la Academia Internacional de Gastronomía.

Por su parte, José Antonio Vidal puso énfasis en que el EnoTurismo Responsable se centra en fomentar un impacto positivo en los lugares visitados, contribuyendo así a que las generaciones futuras puedan seguir disfrutando y beneficiándose de estos destinos vinícolas, aspectos que serán claves para la elección de los 1ros. Premios OMET al Destino y a la Vivencia Responsables. Ello implica tomar decisiones conscientes antes, durante y después del viaje,  y requiere un esfuerzo colectivo de los viajeros, las comunidades locales, los gobiernos y la industria turística, apoyando tanto a las bodegas responsables como a los operadores turísticos responsables”, señalando el Presidente de OMET sobre “la importancia esencial en ser coo-petitivos (competir desde la colaboración) y en la mentalización por parte del empresario bodeguero que el enoTurismo no es ni enología ni viticultura, sino Turismo, sector terciario, sector servicios y que, como tal, debe ser considerado como unidad de negocio independiente gestionada por profesionales del sector turístico”.

Vidal concluyó sus palabras de bienvenida ofreciendo sendos emotivos homenajes in memoriam al profesor Eduardo Fayos-Solà y a la académica María Isabel Mijares García-Pelayo, ambos admirados y muy queridos por los asistentes y todo el sector en general.

cumbre omet fayos y mijares1

El Subsecretario de Turismo del Uruguay, Remo Monzeglio, entregó al Mejor Sumiller del Mundo 1971, Piero Sattanino, un reconocimiento a su dilatada y exitosa carrera profesional, y compromiso con la formación a través de la Asociación Italiana de Sumilleres.


Planes Estratégicos Responsables, Branding, Asociacionismo, Monitorización, MICE, Comunicación, Diseño y Comercialización de actividades, la importancia de la Turoperación y de la Capacitación, fueron presentados en formatos eminentemente prácticos -casos de éxito y ted-talks- por 80 autoridades de 16 países (

Directores de ocho Asociaciones de Enoturismo miembros de OMET remarcaron su importancia como interlocutoras entre el sector privado y público; Nardone concienció al sector bodeguero de “su posibilidad de incrementar beneficios organizando eventos en sus instalaciones”; Singerman hizo lo propio afirmando “la dificultad de tomar decisiones correctas sin la herramienta de gestión que suponen los observatorios”; Leonid Gelibterman (Vicepresidente OMET EurAsia) señaló que “el enoturismo y la gastronomía desempeñan un papel clave en el arraigo cultural y en la diplomacia pública. Hacemos un llamamiento a la responsabilidad por un futuro de bienestar medioambiental, político y sociocultural”; Milton Zuanazzi (Director OMET Brasil) se refirió al enoturismo como “una visión estratégica y de marketing paralela a la industria vitivinícola: Mientras la industria se preocupa del contenido de la copa, nosotros deberíamos dedicarnos a lo que hay fuera de ella”; Marisa Ramos (Directora OMET México) indicó que “la exitosa integración del enoturismo a la oferta turística de México en el plano internacional, dependerá de una estrategia inteligente y bien coordinada: OMET ofrece los elementos y talento para aprovechar esta oportunidad histórica y consolidarse como uno de los destinos emergentes más convenientes a corto plazo”; y Gabriel Fidel (Director OMET Academy LatAm) concluyó “el congreso de Punta del Este ha puesto de manifiesto el rol de OMET, con sus aliados actuales y futuros como articuladores de estrategias y herramientas necesarias para un nuevo EnoTurismo”.


Los 350 asistentes pudieron conocer en directo las propuestas de los expositores en sus stands y participar de hasta cinco circuitos de visitas técnicas.


20 turoperadores internacionales se dieron cita en el Hotel Enjoy.

cumbre omet premiados

En la ceremonia de clausura se entregaron los Certificados de Membresías a los nuevos asociados a OMET, los Diplomas a las entidades colaboradoras, y los Premios OMET a casos de éxito de EnoTurismo Responsable: A la Intendencia de Montevideo como Destino Nacional, a Mendoza (Argentina) como Destino Internacional, y a Viña Santa Rita (Chile) como Vivencia Internacional.
Menciones de Honor a Viña Edén (Uruguay) como Vivencia Nacional Responsable y a EnoTurismo Extremadura (España) como Destino Internacional Responsable.

cumbre yantai

Las Cumbres Globales de OMET sobre EnoTurismo Responsable tendrán carácter rotatorio en sus sedes, y se encuadran en la planificación de su área MICE como parte de toda una propuesta de eventos en diferentes formatos que OMET pone a disposición de los destinos enoturísticos para su implementación, junto con el asesoramiento pertinente en Planes Estratégicos.

Como broche final fue anunciada la Municipalidad de Yantai (China) como sede de la próxima Cumbre 2025, postulándose varios destinos internacionales para las siguientes ediciones.


La OMET y su OMET Academy conforman la Red Mundial de Emprendimiento y Conocimiento enoturísticos, integrada por entes públicos, por asociaciones, establecimientos ubicados en destinos vinícolas, y por instituciones académicas.
Su objetivo es favorecer el desarrollo socio-económico de los destinos con cultura vinícola, a través de propuestas de valor en los ámbitos académico, empresarial y público: Planes Estratégicos, diseñar y promover las respectivas Marcas Destino enoturístico-país/región y sus productos para su posicionamiento en mercados globales, programas formativos desde OMET Academy,  promoción con OMET MICE, comercialización mediante la plataforma de reservas EnoWineClub, y la Certificación Internacional OMET en Sostenibilidad Enoturística dirigida a destinos y establecimientos, y de Calidad Enoturística dirigida a establecimientos y orientada a la satisfacción de la experiencia del cliente.

¡Nos vemos en Yantai (China) en la Cumbre 2025!  

[email protected]

favilla,anson,vidal 2024 03 13

GWTO Brazil meeting / Reunión OMET Brasil

Press Release.

Madrid -. At GWTO’s headquarters in Madrid, Márcio Favilla -Former Vice Minister of Tourism of Brazil and GWTO Ambassador for Brazil-, and José Antonio Vidal –GWTO Founder and President CEO-, presented to Rafael Ansón -GWTO President of Honor-, Brazil’s participation in the 1st GWTO Global Summit on Responsible EnoTourism.

From March 19 to 21, 2024, at the Hotel Enjoy Punta del Este (Uruguay), Brazil will have an important institutional and business presence, together with delegations from 16 registered countries.

The most important Brazilian tour operators will take part in the B2B business round with national sellers. EnoTourism entrepreneurs will be represented by their national association ‘Enoturismo Brasil’. The Rio Grande do Sul EnoTourism destination will be presented by its Secretary of Tourism. The Ministry of Tourism will be represented by its National Secretary of Tourism Planning, Competitiveness and Sustainability.

During the Congress, in which more than 80 specialists will participate from 16 countries, the destination Rio Grande do Sul and the Spa do Vinho Winery will present their success stories, competing for the GWTO Awards for Best Responsible Destination and Experience.

More information at


Nota de Prensa
Madrid, 13 de marzo de 2024

En la sede de OMET en Madrid, Márcio Favilla -Ex Vice Ministro de Turismo de Brasil y Embajador de OMET para Brasil-, y José Antonio Vidal -Fundador y Presidente CEO de OMET-, presentaron a Rafael Ansón -Presidente de Honor de OMET-, la participación de Brasil en la 1ª Cumbre Mundial OMET del EnoTurismo Responsable.

Del 19 de 21 marzo de 2024, en el Hotel Enjoy Punta del Este (Uruguay), Brasil tendrá una importante presencia institucional y empresarial, junto con delegaciones de 16 países inscritos.

Los más importantes turoperadores brasileros formarán parte de la ronda de negocios B2B con vendedores nacionales. Los empresarios enoturísticos estarán representados por su asociación nacional ‘Enoturismo Brasil’. La presentación del destino Rio Grande do Sul estará a cargo de su Secretario de Turismo. Y la representación del Ministerio de Turismo por su Secretario Nacional de Planificación, Competitividad y Sostenibilidad Turísticas.

Durante el Congreso, en el que participarán más de 80 especialistas de 16 países, el destino Rio Grande do Sul y la Bodega Spa do Vinho presentarán sus casos de éxito, concursando a los Premios OMET al Mejor Destino y Vivencia Responsables.

Más información en

presentacion cumbre omet en fitur 2024

Global Summit on Responsible EnoTourism: EnoTourism faces its greatest challenge / Cumbre Global del EnoTurismo Responsable: el EnoTurismo ante su mayor reto

Press Release.

Madrid -. The Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism of Uruguay, unveiled the Global Summit on Responsible EnoTourism during FITUR. This Summit is scheduled to take place at the Enjoy Hotel in Punta del Este from March 19 to 21, 2024.

GWTO, the only global entity specializing in EnoTourism, is keenly aware of the environmental impact caused by travel and visits to wine producing regions. In response, GWTO is spearheading an event that embraces a comprehensive approach to commitment, focusing on responsible practices centered around environmental conservation, preservation of cultural and natural heritage, and support for local economies.

The challenge lies in the innovative capabilities of businesses as they strive for a satisfying customer experience and the adaptability of public institutions to meet the new demands of global markets: Responsibility.

“This implies making conscious decisions before, during, and after the journey. It requires a collective effort from travelers, local communities, governments, and the tourism industry. GWTO is dedicated to the responsible socioeconomic development of wine regions through tourism. The Summit will put Uruguay on the map of global EnoTourism,” said José Antonio Vidal, GWTO Founder President CEO.

This event will be the most significant international gathering on EnoTourism ever organized, encompassing the four major areas of MICE: Business Meetings B2B and Incentives, Academic Congress, and Exhibition space.

It represents a unique opportunity for positioning wine destinations. It will serve as an ideal platform for creating synergies among professionals and entrepreneurs in the global industry, suppliers, intermediaries, and end consumers.

On behalf of the Ministry of Tourism, Minister Tabaré Viera and its Director General Roque Baudian, agreed on the suitability of Uruguay to host the Responsible EnoTourism Summit, given the Government’s commitment in this area as stated in its slogan ‘Uruguay Natural’.

According to Arnaldo Nardone, Director of GWTO MICE, “EnoTourism in Uruguay is in an emerging phase,” emphasizing the importance of organizing an event that allows for the “take-off of the sector” with training and resources to enhance the country’s offerings, showcasing great potential for this category of tourism.

Distinguished international authorities in the field and managers of EnoTourism establishments and destinations will respectively present their expertise in the implementation of Strategic Plans and their Success Stories, using formats such as executive-style TED Talks and roundtable discussions. The Summit will recognize and award the best practices in Responsible EnoTourism.

“The responsible EnTourism segment is one of the fastest growing tourism segments worldwide due, on the one hand, to its development in open spaces of nature and, on the other hand, to the increase of young people committed to responsibility and interested in having a good time in wine destinations”, appointed Pablo Singerman, GWTO Vice President for LatAm region.

GWTO’s Summits will adopt a rotating venue approach, aligning with the strategic planning of its MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) division as part of a comprehensive offering of events in various formats available to EnoTourism destinations worldwide.

GWTO and GWTO Academy together constitute a global network of entrepreneurial and knowledge-sharing entities in EnoTourism. This network is comprised of public entities, associations, establishments located in wine regions, and academic institutions. The overarching goal is to promote the responsible socioeconomic development of wine regions through tourism. This is achieved through (i) strategic plans for the creation of EnoTourism destination brands and positioning in global markets, (ii) educational programs offered by GWTO Academy in collaboration with academic institutions, (iii) promotion through GWTO MICE, (iv) commercialization on the reservation platform, and (v) the GWTO International Certification in Quality and Sustainable EnoTourism for destinations and establishments, aimed at enhancing customer experience satisfaction.

More information about the Summit can be found at: / [email protected]

presentacion cumbre omet en fitur 2024p
Roque Baudian, DG de Turismo del Uruguay; José Carlos Santiago, Consejero OMET; Pablo Singerman, Vicepresidente OMET LatAm; Tabaré Viera, Ministro de Turismo del Uruguay; Rafael Ansón; Presidente de Honor OMET; José Antonio Vidal, Fundador Presidente OMET


Nota de Prensa
Madrid, 26 de enero de 2024

La Organización Mundial del EnoTurismo OMET, junto al Ministerio de Turismo de Uruguay, presentaron en el marco de FITUR la Cumbre Global del Enoturismo Responsable, que tendrá lugar en Punta del Este, del 19 al 21 de marzo de 2024 en el hotel Enjoy.

OMET -única entidad global especializada en enoturismo-, consciente del impacto ambiental que generan los desplazamientos y visitas a enclaves enoturísticos, promueve la organización de un evento capaz de adoptar un enfoque integral de compromiso con las prácticas responsables, centradas en la conservación del medio ambiente, preservación del patrimonio cultural y de naturaleza, y de las economías locales.

El reto está en la capacidad innovadora de las empresas en sus esfuerzos enfocados hacia una experiencia satisfactoria del cliente, y de la capacidad de adaptación de las instituciones públicas a las nuevas exigencias de los mercados globales: la Responsabilidad.

“Ello implica tomar decisiones conscientes, antes, durante y después del viaje. Y requiere un esfuerzo colectivo de los viajeros, de las comunidades locales, de los gobiernos y de la industria turística. OMET trabaja para el desarrollo socio-económico responsable de las regiones vinícolas a través del turismo. La Cumbre pondrá a Uruguay en el mapa del enoturismo mundial”, José Antonio Vidal, fundador y presidente CEO de OMET.

Se trata del evento internacional más importante sobre enoturismo hasta ahora organizado, por la concurrencia de las cuatro grandes áreas del MICE -Reuniones de negocios B2B e Incentivos, Congreso académico y espacio Expositivo-, suponiendo una oportunidad única para el posicionamiento de los destinos vinícolas.

Será una instancia ideal para generar sinergias entre los profesionales y empresarios de la industria a nivel mundial, proveedores, intermediarios y consumidores finales.

Por parte del Ministerio de Turismo, el Ministro Tabaré Viera y su Director General Roque Baudian, coincidieron en la idoneidad de Uruguay como sede de la Cumbre de Enoturismo Responsable, dado el compromiso del Gobierno en esta materia, como reza su slogan ‘Uruguay Natural’.

Según Arnaldo Nardone, director de OMET MICE, “en Uruguay el enoturismo está en fase emergente”, por lo que remarca la importancia de organizar un evento que permita “el despegue del sector”, con capacitaciones e insumos para mejorar la oferta en el país, con un gran potencial para esta categoría de turismo.

Destacadas autoridades internacionales en la materia y gerentes de establecimientos y destinos enoturísticos, presentarán respectivamente -en formatos eminentemente ejecutivos Ted Talks y mesas redondas-, su expertise en la implementación de Planes Estratégicos y sus Casos de Éxito, premiando las mejores prácticas en Enoturismo Responsable.

“El segmento del enoturismo responsable es uno de los turismos que más está creciendo en todo el mundo debido, por un lado, a su desarrollo en espacios abiertos de naturaleza y, por otro, al aumento de jóvenes comprometidos con la responsabilidad e interesados en pasarlo bien en los destinos vinícolas”, Pablo Singerman, vicepresidente de OMET para LatAm.

Las Cumbres de OMET tendrán carácter rotatorio en sus sedes, encuadrándose en la planificación de su área MICE como parte de toda una propuesta de eventos en diferentes formatos que se pone a disposición de los destinos EnoTurísticos de todo el mundo.

OMET y OMET Academy conforman la red global de emprendimiento y conocimiento enoturísticos, integrada por entes públicos, asociaciones, establecimientos ubicados en destinos vinícolas, y por instituciones académicas, con el propósito de favorecer el desarrollo socio-económico responsable de las regiones vinícolas a través del turismo, mediante (i) planes estratégicos para la creación de sus marcas-destino enoturístico y su posicionamiento en los mercados globales, (ii) la propuesta de OMET Academy por un modelo de Gobernanza Responsable y sus programas formativos propios y en colaboración con entidades académicas, (iii) la promoción a través de la organización de eventos por OMET MICE, (iv) la comercialización en la plataforma de reservas y (v) la Certificación Internacional OMET en Calidad y Sostenibilidad EnoTurística de destinos y establecimientos, orientada a la satisfacción de la experiencia del cliente.

Más información sobre la Cumbre en: / [email protected]

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GWTO supports AEE in the co-organization of the 2nd edition of the ‘Vino y Mar’ Fair (VIMAR)

With the support of the Global Wine Organization (GWTO) for the participation of international wine destinations in which the sea is also an attraction, the Spanish EnoTourism Association (AEE-Enotourism Spain) organized the tourism (EnoTourism) area, coordinating the Forum ‘The Sea in EnoTourism’, providing speakers, exhibitors and tour operators for business meetings.

Likewise, through GWTO, the International and Ibero-American Academies of Gastronomy (based in Paris and Madrid respectively), in the figure of Mr. Rafael Ansón as their Founder President of Honor, show their support to VIMAR.

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The fair, promoted and co-organized in the product area by Azahara de Comunicaciones group, held its second edition on the 13th and 14th, in the Congress and Exhibition Center in Ayamonte, making the coastal town a commercial, gastronomic and tourist reference during these days.

The event was born in 2022 as a professional reference in the conjunction of these two first level gastronomic sectors, the products of Wine and Sea, with the support of the Andalusian Tourism company of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport of the Andalusian Government, the close collaboration of the City Hall of Ayamonte, the DD.OO.PP. Wines and Vinegars of Condado de Huelva, with the participation of more than 40 companies, entities and organizations of the aforementioned sectors: tourism, wine and sea.

The founder and president of the EnoTourism associations, José Antonio Vidal, said that “it is about sharing knowledge and experience in national and international wine tourism, in a great event linked to the exquisite gastronomy of the province of Huelva and the whole of Andalusia, which is recognized worldwide. The aim is to promote the socio-economic development of wine tourism destinations and their brands”.

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The fair’s full program includes the Training Area, where there will be seminars and round tables on ‘The Sea in Wine Tourism’, where you can learn more from leading professionals in the sector: Bodegas González-Byass, Bodega Berroja, Bodega Nilva, Musclarium, Ví D’Anfora (SeaWines), Celler Vinyes del Tiet Pere, Adega EcoAlga, Cantina San Salvatore 1880.

In parallel, more than 10 showcooking, tasting and harmonies activities took place in the Tasting and Demonstrations Area, and B2B professional meetings were held in the Business Area.

gwto visits mexico

The Global Wine Tourism Organization visits México

Promoted by the National Association of Tour Operators of Mexico (ANTOMEX), the Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO) visited four wine tourism states, sponsorized by ANTOMEX and VinoFest Querétaro.

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Accompanied by the president of ANTOMEX, Luis Gilberto González Arocha, the general coordinator Dora Luz Villarino, and by the directors of each of the states -Gilberto Gamiño, from Baja California; Eliud Vertti and Lorenia Martínez, from Cohauila; Mariana Álvarez with the support of Jorge Ferreira, from Querétaro; and Xavi Armas, Carla and Christian Rivera, from Aguascalientes-, the president of GWTO, José Antonio Vidal, held working meetings with authorities from the public sector (Secretaries of Tourism and Directors of OCVs), private sector (winery associations) and academia.

In Valle de Guadalupe (Ensenada, Baja Ca.) wines are mostly made in small boutique wineries and do not import grapes from elsewhere. This makes it difficult to find a bottle of wine from this region outside the country and has resulted in so many wine lovers travelling to the Valley to taste them at their source and get to know the destination.

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Excellent conception in Coahuila, Querétaro and Aguascalientes of what a brand-destination should be as a tourist attraction in a wine destination: Ruta de Vinos & Dinos, Ruta de Arte, Queso y Vino, and Sangre y Toro, respectively. Cultural and nature heritage.

Invited to the 1st edition of the VinoFest in Querétaro, the president of GWTO signed with its organizers, Elia Navarro and Pedro Gárfias, an agreement for the presentation of international proposals in future editions.

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In each of the meetings, the willingness to collaborate in the design of strategic plans, in promotion through the organization of events, in communication, in the marketing of activities through the booking platform, in quality and sustainability tourism certifications, in training, and in advice on the creation of wine tourism associations has been made clear.

All of this with the aim of positioning México on the world wine tourism map.

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Official visit of the Global Wine Tourism Organization to Georgia

GWTO President José Antonio Vidal met with Kakha Kakabadze, Vice Minister of Environment and Agriculture, with David Songulashvili, Chair of the Sector Economy and Economic Policy Committee at Parliament of Georgia, with Levan Andriashvili, Mayor of Telavi (Kakheti), with Levan Mekhuzla and Zurab Vacharadze, President and Vice-President of the National Wine Agency, with Kakha and Vakhtang Tsivtsicpvdze, President and Director of the Caucasus International University, and with Kety Gorgiladze, co-founder of the Georgian EnoTourism Association (GETA).

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During the meetings, the importance of the development of enotourism in Georgia and the quality of wine was emphasised.

“Georgia is a country with an 8000 year old wine tradition. We attach special importance to this rich history, working to improve the quality of wine and increase its export. It is also relevant to note that tourism is experiencing rapid growth in the country; both tourism and the thriving wine industry drive our economy. Sharing best practices in any field, including enotourism, is a necessary and important condition for development,” Kakha Kakabadze stressed.

“Enotourism is gaining popularity globally, and this goes beyond wine tasting. Tourists also enjoy exploring vineyards, and Kakheti is the ideal place to boost this facet of tourism. With Mr Vidal, we discussed prospects for future collaboration. For us, it is crucial to share and benefit from his wisdom and experience. Mutual cooperation promotes positioning Georgia as one of the world’s leading enotourism destinations,” said Levan Andriashvili, Mayor of Telavi.

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The President of GWTOn visited the Caucasus International University. José Antonio Vidal met with CIU leaders and discussed with them the main aspects of future cooperation focused on the implementation of joint academic and educational projects in enotourism management.

During his visit to CIU, the president of GWTO visited the library, the multimedia centre, the material and technical base of the faculty of business and viticulture and oenology, the laboratories and the “Kolkhi” winery where guests learned about the production process of the university company “Ethno-Okami”, the potential of converting the existing spaces into a tourist area and the traditions of Georgian winemaking.

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“GWTO’s main objective is the socio-economic development of wine regions. To this end, we promote enotourism destinations in order to position them in global markets. The awareness and participation of all chain actors is fundamental in this process. We offer support to both the public and private sectors, as well as to the academic sphere: Strategic Plans, brand creation, MICE organization, booking platform, quality certification and professional training,” said José Antonio Vidal.

wine tourism high summer season issue

Wine tourism in the Iberia Airlines on board magazine Summer issue (July-August)

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wine tourism high summer season issue1

Ibero-America – the territory in which Spanish or Portuguese is spoken and which includes Spain and Portugal – is one of the world’s great gastronomic and tourist destinations, rich in native products and traditional and avant-garde recipes.

Madrid is connected to major Ibero-American destinations that serve as designated Capitals. Cases in point are Mendoza (Argentina), the Capital of Gastronomic Harmony, where wine is the protagonist; Puebla and Querétaro (Mexico), the Ibero-American Capital of Gastronomic and Encounter Cultures, respectively; and Asunción (Paraguay), the Capital of the Missions.

Rafael Ansón Oliart, President of the Ibero-American Academy of Gastronomy.

The Expert

José Antonio Vidal, President of the Global Wine Tourism Organization and Spanish Wine Tourism Organization: “The promotion and growth of gastronomic and wine tourism are intimately linked to connectivity and the means for travellers to find appropriate routes that allow them to reach their destinations in comfort”

uruguayfiexpo 2023

1st  GWTO Global Summit of Responsible Enotourism was presented at the FIEXPO Latam

Being the GWTO’s main objectives to promote the socio-economic development of wine destinations and positioning their brands in global markets, the 1st  GWTO Global Summit of Responsible Enotourism was presented at the FIEXPO LATAM in Panama City.

Promoted by GWTO, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism of Uruguay and Maldonado Municipality, and coordinated by Grupo Elis Events, the summit will take place in Punta del Este (Uruguay) between 18th and 20th of March 2024.

The event was attended by the President of GWTO José Antonio Vidal, the Director of GWTO MICE and GWTO Senior Advisor for Uruguay Arnaldo Nardone, the Director of Grupo Elis Events Lourdes Alanis and the Director of the Enjoy Hotel, venue of the Summit, Javier Azcurra.

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The first official presentation of the Summit was in FITUR (Madrid), by GWTO’s President José Antonio Vidal, the Minister of Tourism of Uruguay Tabaré Viera, the Honorary President of GWTO Rafael Ansón and the GWTO’s Vice President for Latin-America Pablo Singerman.

The Summit was also presented by its President in May at the 1st Forum of International Wine Tourism Trends in Krasnodar (Russia), and last week at the 13th International Wine Exhibition in Yantai (China).

GWTO Academy and GWTO MICE have chosen the topicof Responsible Wine Tourism (one of the focuses of the GWTO International Wine Tourism Quality Certification), oriented on the responsible good practices: from the event organization itself to the success cases, both destinations and establishments. This focus will be reflected in the exhibitors themselves, in the B2B business area and in the academic congress, with the participation of top international speakers.

This 1st GWTO Summit, which will have rotational nature among its venues, is part of the planning of GWTO MICE area as part of a whole range of events that are available to wine tourism destinations in different formats.

GWTO and its Academy make up the Global Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Network of Wine Tourism integrated by public bodies, associations and establishments located in wine destinations, and academic institutions.

GWTO objective is to promote the socio-economic development of wine culture destinations, through value proposals in the academic, business and public spheres, in order to create and promote the respective wine tourism Destination-Country Brands to position them in global markets, through training programs from GWTO Academy, promotion with GWTO MICE, marketing through GWTO Marketplace ‘’  and the GWTO International Wine Tourism Quality Certification of destinations and establishments focused on the satisfaction of the customer’s experience.


The 13th Yantai International Wine Conference and Exposition kicked off in the coastal city of Yantai, Shandong province

Measuring 21,000 sqm, this year’s event highlights Yantai’s role as the only “International Grape and Wine City” in Asia, and aims to promote the integrated development of the city’s wine and wine tourism industries.

Jose Antonio Vidal, founder president of the Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO) has been warmly hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of China, the Shandong region and Yantai authorities, and by the board of the Yantai Wine and Vine Bureau. For the private sector side he attended meetings with the main wineries’ (Châteaux) owners and general managers.


Yantai becomes a member of the World Wine Tourism Council

Mr. Vidal participated as speaker at the opening ceremony of the expo and delivered the Key-note speech: Yantai Wine Tourism at the Next Level.

He said that China and Yantai have over the past three years (2020-2021-2022) made efforts to be able to take advantage of the opportunity to promote the innovative development of the wine industry focused on tourism, with even more energy and more quality. More quality in the personal attitude that is reflected in the courage and entrepreneurial drive.

Three years that have made it possible for Yantai and GWTO to twin for a hopeful wine tourism future focused on solid fundaments to create and positioning the Yantai Wine Tourism Destination Brand on the world wine tourism map.

GWTO president spoke highly of Yantai’s efforts in deepening cooperation with GWTO to accelerate the integrated development of the local culture and wine tourism sector, through the International GWTO Quality Certified of the Yantai Wine Tourism Destination, organizing events to position the brand, participation in GWTO international events, to promote and commercialize the wine tourism activities into de marketplace and the professionalization through training programs by GWTO Academy.

premios apeno 2023 hospitalidade e estadia

GWTO supports APENO in its National Wine Tourism Awards 2023

The ceremony of the second edition of the APENO (Portuguese Winetourism
Association) / Ageas Seguros National Wine Tourism Award took place on the 26th
of May, at the Hotel Convento de São Paulo, in Redondo (Alentejo).
An event that distinguished the best wine tourism companies, practices and projects in Portugal, with Ageas Seguros as main sponsor, through a transparent vote carried out on an online platform by more than 250 judges.

The President of the Republic of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, appreciated the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and the support of the President of the Global Wine Tourism Organization GWTO, highlighted Portuguese tourism and wines, recognized as among the world’s best, wishing APENO the greatest successes.

“Hospitality and Accommodation are the Alpha and the Omega of service excellence” José Antonio Vidal, President of GWTO

During the event, presented by Mónica Jardim, the GWTO President participated in the Awards ceremony for Best Hospitality (Herdade da Malhadinha Nova) and Best Accommodation (Torre de Palma Wine Hotel). In the words of José Antonio Vidal “Hospitality and Accommodation are the Alpha and Omega of service excellence: the keys to success or failure”.

The event was attended by several official entities, including the Secretaries of State for Tourism, Nuno Fazenda, and Agriculture, Gonçalo Rodrigues; the President of the Vine and Wine Institute, Bernardo Gouvêa; the President of the Regional Tourism Authority of Alentejo, Vitor Silva; the Presidents and/or representatives of the National CVR’s and Regional Tourism Entities; as well as José Antonio Vidal, President of the Global Wine Tourism Organization GWTO, the organization that represents Wine Tourism worldwide: “It was a pleasure getting Portugal to attend the Awards. GWTO supports the labour of APENO in Portugal and I believe it is already bearing fruit. Congratulations APENO and to all winners and finalists!”.

“APENO is growing every day and making an important progress in structuring the sector. Bringing together the world of wine and tourism at this exceptional event that rewards the best in wine tourism makes us feel delighted. The event was different, creative, full of glamour, surprises and details. In what depends on us. And always be this way!”, Maria João de Almeida, APENO President.

1st wine tourism forum in abrau durso

1st EnoTourism Forum in Abrau-Durso (Krasnodar, Russia)

The 1st EnoTourism Forum, the largest wine tourism industry event in Russia, took place in Abrau-Durso on May 12 and 13. It was promoted and organized by the Abrau-Durso Tourism Centre with the support of the Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO) and the International Center for Wine and Gastronomy (ICWAG), bringing together more than 400 professionals from 11 countries.

Abrau-Durso owner and Forum promoter Boris Titov commented on his company’s position as the largest enotourism centre, “Abrau is a notable player in this segment in Russia and even in the world. But we will also stop developing if there are not many small and medium sized signature, boutique designed wineries. Enotourists don’t go to a wine region to visit one winery, they are interested in exploring the whole wine province”.

GWTO President José Antonio Vidal gave an overview of current trends enotourism at a new level, praised “the potential of enotourism both in the world and in Russia”, and called it the “industry of happiness: tourism, gastronomy, culture and leisure. GWTO welcomes all stakeholders in the development of enotourism: governmental and public bodies, wine producers, tourism companies, industry associations and academia”.

Leonid Gelibterman, GWTO Vice President for Eurasia: “Based on its own history and following the trends of the modern world, Russian enotourism can successfully compete on the international market and develop an (eno)gastronomic culture in Russian society.

The participants of the Forum discussed the development of enotourism in the Russian wine regions, described the main problems and possible solutions. It was, in particular, promotion and commercialization (through GWTO MICE events and EnoWineClub reservations platform), International Quality Certificate on customer experience (by GWTO Q seal), training of qualified personnel and wine tourism guides (GWTO Academy), creation of a unified map of wine routes (GWTO Advisors), improvement of legislation, economic efficiency and accessibility of transport.

Leonid Popovich, GWTO Director for Russia, stressed the particular importance of the cooperation of market players: only together will it be possible to achieve positive changes.

Within the framework of the Forum, an important event for national enotourism took place: the first three Russian wineries were awarded certificates of membership in the Global Wine Tourism Organization: Abrau-Durso, Château de Talu and WinePark received their certificates.

wine tourism forum abrau durso

Joining the international organization will provide opportunities for exchange of experiences, training with GWTO Academy, hosting events, international wine tourism quality certification, participating in the global wine tourism booking platform and advice on creating national and regional enotourism associations.

GWTO Vice President for Latin America, Pablo Singerman, gave an overview of the state of enotourism in different countries of the region. He drew attention to an important point: an “oenological” tourist spends on average 56% more than a regular tourist.

Sergei Danilov, Director of GWTO in Uzbekistan, spoke about the connection of enotourism with gastronomy, as well as with the history and culture of individual countries and regions.

A real eye-opener for many forum participants was the speech by GWTO China Director Jiawei Jiang on the impressive pace of development of oenology and enotourism in China where GWTO President will participate in the Yantai International Expo on June 16 and 17.

Ceylan Sensoy, Marketing Director of the Turkish Tourism Promotion and Development Agency, spoke about her country’s emerging enotourism regions.

I GWTO Global Summit to be held in Uruguay

Arnaldo Nardone, GWTO MICE Director, presented the 1st GWTO Global Summit on EnoTourism to be held in Spring 2024 in Punta del Este (Uruguay).

“Uruguay is honoured to host the first GWTO Global Summit next year. We are very grateful that our country has been chosen to host it -said Daniel Rubén Castillos, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay to the Russian Federation.

Personnel make the difference

A panel was dedicated to the topic of Training and Talent in the field of enotourism. Moderated by Elena Didenko, director of the GWTO Academy in Russia, Russian experts together with the directors of the GWTO Academy in Portugal and Chile, Bebiana Monteiro and Jorge Espinosa, respectively, addressed the lack of qualified personnel.

“Every employee who meets a tourist must be highly professional. In entourism specially, a guide must not only be an excellent communicator, but also capable of transmitting emotions,” José Antonio Vidal stressed.

It is envisaged that the EnoTourism Forum will become an annual meeting place for wine tourism industry professionals in Russia and other countries.

Recognition in Mexico for Global Wine Tourism Organization

New international trends to take tourism to the next level

Hosted by the Secretariat of Tourism of the State of Queretaro, international tourism experts met on April 27 at the Santiago de Querétaro Congress Center (Mexico) to discuss new challenges, opportunities, trends and their social impact on destinations, under the slogan “New international trends to take tourism to the next level”.

José Antonio Vidal (Founder President of the Global and Spanish Wine Tourism Organizations), began his speech by clarifying “basic concepts with the aim of speaking the same ‘wine tourism language’, indicating what is not wine tourism -only visiting wineries-, and what it is: Wine Tourism is agri tourism in wine regions, knowing all resources present in wine destinations. In fact, Wine Tourism is the driving force behind Agri tourism”.

The president of GWTO continued his speech by pointing out that “Wine tourism is Tourism (it is neither oenology nor viticulture), stressing the importance that both winery entrepreneurs (investing in professionals in the tourism sector) and public administrations must understand it in this way, and that they must also focus on the types of events they sponsor when it comes to promoting tourism (Wine Tourism): our events -congresses, exhibitions, etc.- are events of, by and for wine tourism (we are Tourism), and not only for the wine industry sector (which we will obviously also support, contributing our collaboration in them when requested)”.

“Professionalization through GWTO Academy, Promotion with GWTO MICE and Marketing through the GWTO Marketplace, strategic axes for Next Level Wine Tourism,” concluded Vidal.

The Forum was also attended by Óscar Rueda (Director of the Executive Presidency of the CAF Development Bank for Latin America), Amora Carbajal (executive president of PromPeru), Maximiliano Mauvecín (secretary general of the South American Tourism Federation), José Carlos de Santiago (president and founder of the Excelencias Group), Juan Francisco Maqueda (founder of the integrated marketing agency LatamOne), Inmaculada Benito (director of the Tourism, Culture and Sports Department of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations), Antonio Roldán (professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Dresden –Germany- and International Tourism Advisor), José Ramón Bauzá (member of the European Parliament; spokesman for Renew Europe in the Committee on Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament), and Mohamed Taleb (United Nations expert on Tourism and Territorial Development).

The day ended with the launching of the Querétaro Wine Cluster, in which José Antonio Vidal intervened, together with the Governor and the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Querétaro -Mauricio Kuri and Mariela Morán-, celebrating that “Querétaro’s associationism is an example of how to do things well in terms of coopetitiveness, solidly cementing the bases of its strategic sectors. In this sense, from GWTO we empower the National Wine Tourism Associations, being key in the World Wine Tourism Council”.

The Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO) is the network of agri-tourism entrepreneurship and knowledge, made up of private companies located in wine-growing environments, as well as public and academic entities (World Wine Tourism Council), with the objective of contributing to the socio-economic development of destinations and their residents, in accordance with value proposals aligned with the United Nations.

The Russian National Culinary Association joins Global Wine Tourism Organization

The Russian National Culinary Association joins GWTO

The Russian National Culinary Association (RNCA) became the first Full Member in Russia of the Global Wine Tourism Organization (RNCA). The accession agreement was signed by their presidents Mr. José Antonio Vidal and Mr. Victor Belyaev.

Founded in 1990, RNCA is the most distinguished professional associations in the country joinning chefs, cooks, and industry organizations from various regions of Russian Federation, representing Russia in the World Association of Chef’s Societies ‘Worldchefs’ (WACS).

Mr. José Antonio Vidal and Mr. Victor Belyaev

The first meeting between both presidents took place in Perm (Russia) with the occasion of the National Culinary Art and Service Olympiad ‘Legend’ with the mediation of GWTO Vice President for EurAsia, Mr. Leonid Gelibterman.

Wine tourism is inextricably linked to gastronomy, and this agreement between GWTO and RNCA opens up new opportunities and prospects for the development of enogastronomic tourism in Russia.

About GWTO

A Global wine, agri and gastro Tourism Business and Knowledge Network, comprising the whole agritourism value chain located in wine destinations -related to ‘wine’ in its broader sense-, the public sector and the academic by GWTO Academy. GWTO has been created to enhance the social-economic development of wine tourism destinations and its residents through strategic value propositions, as part of an inclusive and supportive governance framework, based on the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.

For more info:
Julia Smirnova
[email protected]

The longest route in the world: Global Wine Tourism Organization

The world’s longest wine tourist route

Wine tourism in its purest form

Argentina’s Inprotur, Chile’s Sernatur and the Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO) promote, support and publicize the creation of The World’s Longest Wine Tourist Route (1,300 km of wine culture), favouring the twinning between the Chilean and Argentinian Regions of Coquimbo, San Juan, La Rioja, Catamarca and Santiago del Estero.

Argentina and Chile, as wine tourism destinations, feature over 250 and 130 wineries that receive visitors, respectively.

The Tourist Route re-enacts the journey made by conquistadors and missionaries, who, after founding La Serena -the first coastal city in Chile- projected the bi-oceanic union and crossed the Andes to establish the oldest settlement in Argentina, Santiago del Estero. Subsequently, they would use the same road to introduce the first grapevine stumps, hence consolidating the base for the wine culture in both countries and in all of the Southern Cone between 1553 and 1556 (Source: Orígenes).

During the project’s presentation within the cycles The Journeys of the Vine and the Wine, the President of the GWTO, José Antonio Vidal, pointed out that “this initiative qualifies as what GWTO defines as a Tourist Route (since it includes more than one country), it boosts public and private collaboration and regards coopetitivity, academic investigation, innovation and sustainability as its essential core. From GWTO, we encourage every country to assist this type of initiatives.

The president of the GWTO carried on stating that “in these current particularly difficult times, it is necessary to redefine concepts in regards to Tourism and Wine Tourism, aimed at satisfying the new demands marked by the sanitation safety:

  1. Public-private, public-public and private-private cooperation is more essential than ever, and
  2. Companies that have not done it yet, must redefine themselves towards an inclusive and sustainable approach.
  3. We all have to work on our reliability in orderto maintain ourselves within the buying decision scope of consumers.

There is a wide opportunity window linked to the pluses that a comprehensive and transversal sector such as Wine Tourism offers. It implies innovative strategies, and this Tourist Route includes them.

In the face of the current complex situation, if the aim is ensuring Wine Tourism in the markets by developing the socio-economical environment at destinations, ADDING to the effort is necessary, nurturing the commitment to unity.

Entrepreneurs must work on their individual and creative projects, but while being aware of the fact that they also have to work together within their sector in order to strengthen the unique qualities of their destinations.

Coopetitivity (competing with a cooperative spirit) will teach us how to adapt ourselves to the new situation: let us become the BIG FAMILY OF THE GLOBAL WINE TOURISM, all agents working united and co-ordinately as in the GWTO.

No wine tourist experience -and, practically, any other- can be understood without its complementary gastronomy as an instrument for the social and local development

Wine Tourism sector has to incorporate it into its offer, not only as part of the integrated service, but during the wine tasting at the wineries, harmonizing them with simple gastronomic Km 0 proposals. 

At GWTO we consider that the time is ideal to take actions towards broadening up the horizons of a responsible, supportive and sustainable global Wine Tourism.

The leadership in sustainability takes in an inclusive and supportive Governance Model that gives prominence to ‘Knowledge Management’ applied to the Investigation for the Training in Sustainability via GWTO Academy, which acts as the headquarters and the voice of the Wine Tourism know-how. It features 50 authorities from the most prestigious universities and Business Schools in 24 countries, specialized in the investigation of Tourist Intelligence, in Wine Tourism Management, Gastronomic Tourism and leading the education in Agricultural and Wine tourism.

Because of and for this purpose, the GWTO has been created: probably the most inclusive and supportive touristic project that has ever been proposed”.

Global Wine Tourism Organization invited to the 1st Wine Tourism National Conference of Argentina

GWTO invited to the 1st Wine Tourism National Conference of Argentina

The president of GWTO, José Antonio Vidal, joined the celebration of the Argentine Wine Day as a national drink, congratulating the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation and that of San Juan, for the organization of the 1st National Wine Tourism Conference, to whose authorities he extended his greetings -the Minister of Tourism Matías Lammens, Yanina Martínez, Ricardo Sosa and Pablo Sismanian, with whom he met at Fitur 2020 (Madrid)-, as well as to his colleagues in the GWTO team, who also had outstanding interventions during the days:

  • Pablo Singerman, Vice President of GWTO for the Americas and as Director of GWTO’s World Economic Monitor for Wine Tourism,
  • Javier Espina and Rodrigo Lemos, GWTO Ambassadors for Argentina
  • Romanella Paggi, National Director, and
  • Oscar Bustos, developer of the GWTO Guarantee Certificate for Wine Tourism Experiences project.

A ‘National Wine Tourism Conference’, Vidal pointed out, “which from GWTO we consider necessary to design the master lines of the strategy for our sector in the new post-Covid era, and appropriate due to the circumstances, that the 1st winery GWTO Member in the world has been ‘Finca María del Pilar‘, in Santiago del Estero, and the 1st Winery Corporation GWTO Full Member in the world has also been the Argentine ‘COVIAR‘”.

Participating institutional authorities:

Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Nation:

  • Yanina Martínez, Secretary of Tourism Promotion
  • Sergio Castro, National Director of Planning and Development
  • Hernán Roitman, National Director of Tourism Quality
  • Ricardo Sosa, Executive Secretary of the National Institute for Tourism Promotion
  • Pablo Sismanian, Director of Tourism Products of the National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Provincial Ministries of Tourism:

  • Claudia Grynszpan, Minister of Tourism and Culture of San Juan
    • Martina Canales, Director of Tourism Products of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of San Juan
  • Mario Peña, Minister of Tourism and Sports of Salta
  • Germán Bakker, Undersecretary of Tourism of the Ministry of Tourism of Neuquén
  • Sandra Nazar, Provincial Director of Tourism of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Jujuy

Participating institutional authorities:

Federal Tourism Council:

  • Claudia Grynszpan, President
  • Javier Espina, Director

Argentine Wine Corporation (COVIAR):

  • Pablo Asens, Vice President

About GWTO

A Global wine, agri and gastro Tourism Business and Knowledge Network, comprising the whole agritourism value chain located in wine destinations -related to ‘wine’ in its broader sense-, the public sector and the academic by GWTO Academy. GWTO has been created to enhance the social-economic development of wine tourism destinations and its residents through strategic value propositions, as part of an inclusive and supportive governance framework, based on the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.

More information:
[email protected]
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Global Wine Tourism Organization invited to the International Wine Culture and Tourism Festival in China

GWTO invited to the International Wine Culture and Tourism Festival in China

On 26 September, the launch ceremony of the China (Ningxia) International Wine Culture and Tourism Festival, with the theme of “Meet Ningxia Chuan – Taste Helan Mountain”, was held in He Dong Wine Town, Shizuishan City, Ningxia. The conference aims to provide the biggest stage, the best booth and the best platform for the exchange and cooperation of the wine culture and tourism sector at home and abroad. 

Representatives of the Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO) in China, relevant ministries and commissions, provincial and regional cultural and tourism departments, experts from the wine, culture and tourism industries at home and abroad, and representatives of private companies witnessed the awards ceremony of Ningxia as a “global wine tourism destination”.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his visit to Ningxia that the Ningxia wine industry is a microcosm of the development of China’s wine industry and it will be a world beater. Ningxia has a long history of grape growing and is renowned for its wine. The eastern foothills of the Helan Mountains are recognised as a prime wine grape production zone, with sufficient light, little precipitation, large temperature differences and low humidity, and the excellent terroir and climate have created the unique qualities of Ningxia wine, including sweetness and balance, rich aroma and a long aftertaste. 

In his speech, Lai Jiao said that the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region have implemented the new development concept and included both wine and cultural tourism in the nine key industries of the autonomous region, as an important grasp of the initiative to integrate into the new development pattern, focusing on promoting the integrated high-quality development of wine and cultural tourism and accelerating the construction of wine tourism destinations. Relying on cultural and tourism resources, we will cultivate a new connotation of wine culture, tell the story of wine, disseminate the terroir culture of the region, “shape” and “give soul” to wine, so that wine will not only have a single look but many aspects that go beyond the wine. 

GWTO Founder President and CEO, José Antonio Vidal stated, “Innovation is the bridge to the future of Wine Tourism and the challenge is to achieve joint action from all the wine tourism stakeholders who share the goal of world leadership in this important sector as wine tourism is. For the Province of Ningxia, the objective should be promoting the international recognition of Ningxia Brand as a world-class wine tourism destination, by positioning Ningxia wine-agri-tourism destinations in global markets, through their presence in all the events (domestic and international) organized by GWTO or in which GWTO participates. In this sense I extend a formal invitation to Ningxia to participate in the GWTOtalks to discuss “hot topics” on wine tourism, matching governments and private sector. Recently, the Minister of Tourism and Sports of Argentina, the Director General of Tourism Policy of Greece, the President of Tourism of Portugal and the Vice-minister of Tourism of Uruguay participated in different sessions and we had great outcomes”.

GWTO Senior Advisor Carlos Vogeler said in his online speech that the Global Wine Tourism Organization highly recommended Ningxia as a quality wine tourism destination and that Ningxia’s initiatives to promote the integration of the cultural and tourism industries have contributed to the wine industry becoming an important pillar in attracting tourists, contributing to the development of wine tourism and making China one of the most attractive upcoming destinations for wine travel experiences in the international market.

During the China (Ningxia) International Wine Culture and Tourism Festival, a series of cultural and tourism events were held, including the Wine Tourism Destination Industry Integration Development Forum, the Winery Leisure Tourism Promotion Conference, the promotion of wine culture and tourism resources in the eastern Helan Mountains.


Global network of entrepreneurship and knowledge, made up of entities from the entire agritourism value chain (public, private located in wine destinations and academic sectors), understanding the term ‘wine’ in its broadest sense, with the aim of contributing to social development -economic of the destinations and their residents, in accordance with value proposals demanded by their associates and aligned with the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, both from the United Nations.

More information: [email protected]
Follow us on Twitter: @gwto_omet  @gwto_academy

GWTO invited by Russian authorities

The president CEO of the Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO) José Antonio Vidal, got Russia despite all the difficulties of traveling during the pandemic. The main purpose of his visit was to hold meetings with representatives of the russian public, private and academic sectors.

Mr. Vidal’s trip started in the city of Perm (Ural region), where he participated in the Russian Culinary and Services Olympiad «Legend». Chefs from all over Russia, including regions with great potential for the development of wine tourism, took part in the Culinary Olympiad.

The opening ceremony was attended by Governor of Perm Krai,Dmitry Makhonin, the president of the National Culinary Association of Russia, Victor Belyaev, and Leonid Gelibterman, GWTO Director for Central EurAsia region and president of the russian International Center of Wine and Gastronomy. In the opening ceremony, José Antonio Vidal said: “On behalf of the GWTO I congratulate all participants and organizers of the Olympiad and wish success to the National Culinary Association of Russia. I bring you also greetings and best wishes from Rafael Ansón, Honorary President of the GWTO and President of Honor of the International Academy of Gastronomy”.

Together with Yulia Vetoshkina, Minister of Tourism and Youth Policy of the Perm Krai, and Yulia Rybakova, Adviser to the Head of the Russian Federal Agency for Tourism (Rostourism), José Antonio Vidal took part in the panel discussion ‘Development of gastronomic tourism in Russia’, moderated by Leonid Gelibterman, in which Mr. Vidal stressed that “wine tourism -matching with gastronomy proposals- is the real motor for agritourism destinations”, offering GWTO support for its socio-economic development.

José Antonio Vidal gave as well a master class about wine tourism for professors and students of the Higher School of Economics, one of the leading universities in Russia with campus in Perm, Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

GWTO president had a useful and important meeting with the Minister of Tourism and Youth Policy of the Perm Krai, Yulia Vetoshkina, who appreciated the potential of cooperation with the GWTO for the development of agritourism in the Perm Region, planning to include in the next meeting the Ministers of Culture and Agriculture, as well as the academic sector of Perm. As a joke -but, as we know, every joke has its share of truth-, Ms. Vetoshkina suggested opening a GWTO office in Perm.

In Moscow, José Antonio Vidal held four important negotiations with the main national stakeholders.

The president of the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia,Leonid Popovich, who said: “We discussed the benefits of GWTO membership for producers who are members of the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia”. Mr. Popovich described the possibilities of cooperation as fantastic: “We also discussed the prospects of cooperation between the GWTO Academy and Russian universities because the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers is interested in increasing the professional level of the industry participants”. 

From the Government of the Russian Federation, the Adviser to the Head of the Russian Federal Agency for Tourism (Rostourism), Yulia Rybakova, will organize meetings among GWTO with the Ministers of Tourism of the Russian wine regions.

From the academic side, the Rector of the Moscow State University of Tourism and Sports, Masyagina Natalia Vasilievna, has also shown her interest in the educational field of the GWTO Academy.

Finally, José Antonio Vidal held a meeting with the Director of Simple Wine Travel Agency, Natalia Zhestkova, the main outcoming wine tourism touroperator in Russia.

About GWTO

A Global wine, agri and gastro Tourism Business and Knowledge Network, comprising the whole agritourism value chain located in wine destinations -related to ‘wine’ in its broader sense-, the public sector and the academic by GWTO Academy. GWTO has been created to enhance the social-economic development of wine tourism destinations and its residents through strategic value propositions, as part of an inclusive and supportive governance framework, based on the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.

More info: Julia Smirnova
[email protected]

The Georgian EnoTourism Association (GETA) and Caucasus Int’l University join GWTO

With many centuries of experience in the field of winemaking, Georgia considers wine tourism as a source of revitalization.

To advance and move forward into a management and development stage, the Georgian EnoTourism Association (Geta) and its associate, the Caucasus International University (CIU), have formalized their membership to the Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO).

“Working together with GWTO is a great opportunity to promote the development of wine tourism in Georgia, actively contribute to the success of family wineries and their products, increase educational activities and, most importantly, to carry Georgia’s name as one of the best destinations for wine tourism in the international arena”, says the founder and member of the Geta Board of Directors, Kety Gorgiladze.

On August 5, the Rector of CIU, Kakhaber Kordzaia, and the founder of Geta, Keti Gorgiladze, held a meeting with the President of GWTO José Antonio Vidal, and the Senior Advisor, Carlos Vogeler, during which various areas of cooperation with GWTO and with the GWTO Academy were discussed.

Geta and GWTO thank the Ambassador of Georgia in Spain, H.E. Mr. Ilia Giorgadze for his collaboration, as well as the gastronomic writer and editor Federico Oldenburg, for his mediation.

The Global Wine Tourism Organization is presented in Puglia (Italy)

The first experience in Puglia for José Antonio Vidal (OMET President), where he had the opportunity to participate in a journey along almost the entire region to discover some excellent food and wine experiences having the opportunity to know its history, culture, tradition and simplicity of the genuine products of this land of the sun, taking an active part in all activities: picked tomatoes, strawberries and zucchini in a farm in Manduria run by a typical apulian family; visited the olive oil mills (frontoi) typical of Gallipoli area; has tasted the wines of the best wineries that produce Primitivo and Negramaro inside some exclusive Masserie, only to name a few. And to get even more into connection with the locals, José Antonio participated in a lab-cooking class to create the famous orecchiette, one of the symbolic products of the region.

During the live event at Oasi Quattro Colonne (Santa Maria al Bagno, Lecce) -the first in attendance after almost two years!-,  José Antonio presented GWTO to Puglia, the Global Wine Tourism Organization, in order to give its support to all companies and local actors who want to enter into a new vision of Wine Tourism: “Smart tourist destinations cannot exist without taking account of the sustainability and inclusiveness, not only as distinctive factors, but also as fundamental principles of the company’s philosophy and daily practice.  Now the capital relational takes on value over any other capital, ways of relating and uniting to be successful:  working together within the industry to strengthen quality and support the sale of local and fresh products and season to reactivate consumption and economy, supporting the entrepreneurial fabric “closer”, said the GWTO president.

In addition to interactive workshops and show cookings that have delighted all guests, high-level speakers have followed each other in the thematic panels.

About GWTO

A Global Wine Tourist Business and Knowledge Network -related to wine in its broader sense-, comprising the whole agritourist value chain (from public, private resources located in wine destinations, and academic sectors),  to contribute to the social-economic development of wine tourism destinations, as part of an inclusive and supportive governance framework based on the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.

More information: [email protected]