
Research and Education in a five-fold strategy:

GWTO Academy & Tourist Management

Enotourism should be viewed as a business separate from that of the wine production sector possessing autonomy in its design and development and able to substantiate its own profit. Enotourism is Tourism located in wine regions.

GWTO Academy & Responsibility

The Academy believes it is now the time to begin work on broadening the horizons of responsible and supportive enotourism.

As proponents of cultural tourism, our sector can contribute to the co-creation of an inclusive and responsible governance model in the areas of universal respect, social justice, health and education.

‘Knowledge Management’ has become the focus again in many sectors and, in this case, in education and training for responsibility.

Companies and Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) play a major role in efforts to minimize the development of climate change by creating solutions, services and innovative products in the area of social, environmental sustainability able to respond to global challenges linked to responsible development.

Smart tourist destinations cannot exist without taking responsibility into account, not only as a distinguishable factor but also as a basic element of business philosophy and daily practice.

Leadership in responsibility takes on a governance model where Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) should undertake the coordination of INNOVATION and a CIRCULAR ECONOMY at the different levels of strategic planning with the aim of increasing public and private awareness of how a Circular Economy and Innovation creates competitive advantages for companies, institutions and the country.

GWTO Academy & Coopetitiveness

Faced with a complex situation such as the current one, if the objective is to position enotourism in both national and international market in this ‘New Era’, it will be necessary to work together: we should not see ourselves as competitors but as coopetitors by competing through cooperation, bringing together the means that allow us to prepare for a NEW WINE TOURISM on a global scale.

GWTO Academy & Gastronomy

Gastronomy has become a dynamizing element of economies, enriching the perception of the destination for any type of tourist, constituting a priority and transversal product that the wine tourism sector must incorporate into its offer of winery visit services.

GWTO Academy & Innovation

Innovation is the end result of complex Knowledge Management processes that begin with the generation of this knowledge (pure and applied research), its dissemination (through training and information), and culminate with the transformation of our tourism and enotourism activity through the application of knowledge to products and services (innovation itself) in the socio-cultural, economic and governance fields.

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