
“The essence of EnoGastro Tourism is to get to know a region through its cuisine and wine making, admiring its landscape, its architectural jewels, its cultural heritage, its roots. Gastronomy is solid and liquid food where Tourism acquires a fundamental importance as an element of socioeconomic dynamization where both types of food traditions meet”.

Rafael Ansón, Dr. Honoris Causa
GWTO & Academy President of Honor
International Academy of Gastronomy (Paris) Founder & Honorary President

gwto chart feb13.2025 hd

Governing Board


José Antonio Vidal
National (Spain) Enotourism Award
Expert in making up elite international advisory networks for the responsible development of tourist destinations.
Member of Senior Advisor Boards in the Tourism Commission of the Chamber of Commerce of Spain; in the National Table of Spanish Gastronomy (ICEX, Ministry of Commerce of Spain) and in the Global Gastronomy Organization (Athens)

President of Honor

Rafael Ansón
President of Honor, International Academy of Gastronomy (Paris, France)
Dr Honoris Causa and Director Gastronomy Chair, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (Madrid, Spain))
Ambassador for Sustainable Tourism, UN Tourism


Adolfo Favieres
Ambassador for Iberoamerica, WTTC
Former Secretary General’s Advisor, UNWTO 

José Carlos de Santiago
Vice-President, Iberoamerican Academy of Gastronomy
Founder President, Grupo Excelencias Comunicación 

Tomás Poveda
Executive Vice President EMEA, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL, Perú)
Former Gral. Mngr., Casa de América (based in Madrid)
Former Gral. Mngr. of Media and Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain

Márcio Favilla
Former Executive Dir. for Operational Programs and Institutional Relations, UNWTO
Former Vice Minister of Tourism

Jorge Ferreira
Founder, Querétaro Wine Cluster
Advisor, Guanajuato Grape and Wine Association

Arnaldo Nardone
Former Minister of Tourism’s Assistant

Margaret Chen
Former Director for China, Telefónica Movistar

Ilia Giorgadze
Ambassador (Diplomatic Body, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Polykarpos Efstathiou
Former Countries’ Director, Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO)

Germán Porras
Former General Director of Tourism and National Tourism Office Director (Tourspain), Ministry of Tourism 

Isabel Mijares, In Memoriam Feb 10, 2024
‘The Wine Woman’
Chemist and Oenologist
Winemaking advisor

Management Body


CEO & Operations Director

José Antonio Vidal

Dir. Members & International Relations

Dina Gimbatova
Master in International Business Protocol, EIP Int’l Protocol School (Madrid,  Spain)
Master in Tourism Marketing, ESERP Business School (Madrid, Spain)
Higher Technician in Tourist Accommodation Management, European University (Madrid, Spain)

Vice President LatAm

Pablo Singerman
Director International Tourism Marketing Plan, Ministry of Tourism Argentina

MICE Managers

Congresses and Exhibitions

Arnaldo Nardone
Director, MICE International Consulting
Former World President, ICCA

Meeting and Incentives

Charo Trabado
Director, MITM Events

Economic Monitor Director

Pablo Singerman
Director Economic Observatory Enotourism and MICE, Ministry of Tourism Argentina

Legal Head

Maurizio Di Ubaldo
President, Di Ubaldo Advocats



Milton Zuanazzi
National Secretary for Tourism Planning, Competitiveness and Sustainability, Ministry of Tourism
Co-founder & CEO, Hotel Sustentável consulting


Marisa Ramos
Professor and Researcher, Faculty of Tourism and Gastronomy, Univ. Anáhuac


Alan Watkin
President, Wine Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ica
Manager, Tourism and Economic Development of Nasca


Javier Azcurra
General Manager, Enjoy Hotel Punta del Este


Jiawei Jiang
Assistant Director, Monitoring Center for UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories in China

Ruylene Gao
Director Government Relations for China


Nicola D’Auria
President, Italian Enoturism Association (MTV)


Maria João de Almeida
President, Portuguese Enotourism Association (APENO)


Mercedes Sánchez
Secretary General, Spanish EnoTourism Association


Fatma Bilge
President, Urla Viticulture and Winery Association (UVWA)


Sergei Danilov
Co-owner & Chief Adviser, Delicious Uzbekistan and Silk Road


Latin America

Charlie Rangel
Communications & PPRR

Daniel Baroni
Press & Social Media

Central EurAsia

Julia Smirnova
Communications & Social Media

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